How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snapchat?

How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snapchat?

The meaning of the snapchat hourglass is that your snap streak with your friend will be going to end. So, you have to quickly send a snap to your friend before the snap streak goes. Sometimes, snapchat support will not give you a proper answer to your question. So, Don’t worry about it, we are here to give you the answer to your question “How long does the hourglass last on snapchat”.

Without skipping anything, keep reading the entire article to find out the reasons for losing your snapchat hourglass.

What Does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat?

The first time you will see the hourglass on your snapchat and don’t know what this icon means. The icon of the hourglass means that you are going to lose your snap streak with your snapchat friend soon. Furthermore, to maintain your streak on snapchat. You and your friend need to send at least one snap to your friend within 24 hours. When you see the hourglass, it means you have a limited time to maintain your snap streak. Quickly send a snap to your friend to remove the hourglass.

How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snapchat?

Moreover, the number of snap streaks will depend upon how long you and your friend send streaks to each other. To maintain your streak keep sending and receiving snaps from your friend. Keep in mind that if you send any stickers or messages to your friends. This will not maintain your streak. Both users see the hourglass sign. If no one will take action, then you will lose your streak.

How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat?

Do you want to find an answer to how long does the hourglass last on snapchat? Then you are in the right place. you and your friend are running a snap streak with your friend and don’t want to lose it. In that case, if you see an hourglass then this will horrify you. Because you are very conscious about your snap streak and don’t want to lose it.

Did the Snap Streak Disappear After 24 Hours?

A lot of people said that they notice the hourglass between two or three hours and many people claim that they see the hourglass between four to seven hours before the snap streak ends. Furthermore, we will not provide you with a piece of confidential information because the official website of snapchat did not have any information about it.

Did the Snap Streak Disappear After 24 Hours?

Does the Hourglass Appear On Both Sides?

Yes, you and your friend both can see the hourglass. When from both of you, one friend did not send a snap to other friends. Then the hourglass appears. When any of you see the hourglass then immediately send a snap to your friend. When you send the snap then the hourglass will automatically disappear.

How to Avoid Snapchat Hourglasses?

In addition, the perception of how long does the hourglass last on snapchat. It is essential to know about some steps that you need to follow to avoid hourglasses on snapchat. If you don’t do anything then sadly the glass hour will disappear as well as your snap streak. Follow these steps to prevent the hourglass.

  • Instead of sending a message send a snap:

For maintaining your snap streak, you have to send a streak instead of sending a message on snapchat. This is just like a fun way which connects you with your friend. This is why you don’t want to lose your snap streak with your friend. By sending snaps to your friend, you are not going to face hourglass. Conveying your emotions and thoughts through a snap. So why are you still choosing to send messages?

  • Send a Good Morning Snap:

When you wake up early in the morning then make your routine to send a snap as a morning greeting. By doing this, you may be worrying free about the icon of the hourglass that will appear on your snapchat. Moreover, you can spend your whole day without any worry and stress that will hit your mind about a snap streak. You just need to click and send your selfie.

  • Create a snap streak friends shortcut:

The streak sending is just like fun that is full of games. To stay in this game, you have to send a snap to your friend and your friend also sends you a snap regularly. Unfortunately, you forget to send a snap to any of your friends. This means when you select your friends for sending a snap then accidentally you miss someone.

To avoid this, you need to make a shortcut and add everybody to the list. Furthermore, add this shortcut to the home screen of your phone. When you check your phone this will remind you about snap streak. This is the best feature of snapchat for those people who forget to send the snap streak.

How to Create a Snap Streak Shortcut?

While sending a snap, selecting all your friends might be difficult for you. For example, if you have hundreds of friends added to your snap chat streak then it might be difficult for you to choose all of them. Moreover, you are not aware of sending a snap streak to all of your friends with just one click. Follow these steps to create a snapchat shortcut, so you can send your snap streak easily.

How to Create a Snap Streak Shortcut?


  • Take a picture of your snap streak.
  • Now, you can see the send button on the lower corner of your screen. Click on it.
  • Here you can see the “Shortcut” option in the upper right corner.
  • To open the shortcut pop-up, click on it.
  • Now, here you can see the flame icon.
  • Select all of your friends, you want to send a snap streak.
  • When you select it, tap on the “Save” button.
  • Furthermore, to make any changes to it. you can repeat this process.
  • After that, come back to the flame icon.
  • In the top of the right corner, select “All”.
  • It selects all of your friends that you have added to your shortcut.
  •  Now, use this shortcut whenever you want to send a snap streak.


What to Do When You Lose Your Snap Streak?

You can simply restore your snap streak if you accidentally end it. For example, your final exams start and you have much more tension about your paper. In this worry, you forget to send a streak to your friends and now you are facing a snap streak loss. Don’t stress yourself too much, just send a note to snapchat support and they will automatically restore your snap streak. Now, you will enjoy your streak from that day, you lost.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What does ⌛ ⌛ mean on Snap?

This is an hourglass sign. This will appear at that time when you are going to lose your snap streak with your friends. This is just like a reminder for you to maintain your streak on snapchat. The hourglass shows when you or your friend did not send any of the streaks to each other. Furthermore, both of you need to send a streak to each other within 24 hours.

Q. Why don’t I have a streak after 3 days?

First of all, check if both of you send a streak to each other. There may be a chance that one of you did not send a streak to the other. Moreover, to maintain your streak you have to click a snap directly from your snapchat account, not from your camera roll.

Q. How long until a Snapchat streak runs out?

Within 24 hours, if you don’t send a snap streak to your friend then it will disappear. Moreover, if you worry about your snapchat streak then send a note to snapchat support. They will restore your streak.

Q. Does it take 24 hours to lose a streak?

To keep going on your snapchat streak, you and your friend need to take a snap from your snapchat account and send it to each other. Keep in mind that you have to send a snap, not a text message. But if you see an hourglass next to your friend’s name. then it means you are going to lose the snap streak.

Wrap Up:

Now you have come to know how long does the hourglass last on snapchat and how to avoid it. it appears when you are just going to lose your snap streak with your friend. It is just like a warning before losing your snap streak. When you see this hourglass. Contact your friend and ask them to send a streak. Both of you have to send a streak to each other to maintain it.

Engr Hamza

I am Engr. Hamza Yousaf, a Blog writer with 5+ years of expertise in Blog writing. Sharing accurate and user-friendly info makes me an expert blog writer. I am sharing unique ideas and solution to different queries on My other publications are on sites like, and This is all about me thanks!

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