Shower standing handles: How to install, types & features

Shower standing handles: How to install, types & features

The Shower standing handles are an almost 12-inch grab for showers and bathtubs. They are made of plastic and strongly handled suction cups. These handles are very durable and strong. When this shower handle is installed properly in the bathrooms it can prevent injury, slips, and harm.

shower standing handle

A person enters the bathroom to take shower but due to frequent falling of water, most probably he can fall due to slippery surfaces on the ground which is why such a gadget was found. It helps people to maintain balance, especially for the facilities of old people because they find difficulty in taking showers. Any injury can make them further injured as well as disabled. Moreover, to move around and for the purpose of walking easily, a shower standing handle came into being.

As per the CDC report, the date of serious injuries and disability is exponentially higher as compared to younger people. People come the home after spending their whole day in a hectic environment then they feel the need of taking showering in this regard. In addition to these, children take showers before going to school and after doing sports activities throughout the day. Pregnant women must need such a basic facility in their range to save themselves from any major injury. Basically, the purpose of this article is to arise awareness regarding the importance of shower standing handles.

An efficient method to install Shower standing handles:

  • A variety of methods are being used nowadays to install it but the most important thing that must be remembered is that the instructions of manufacturers should follow. A suction cup will have to work under plenty of water which is why keeping in mind the pressure of water it can be installed with the help of a screw into the wall.
  • The most honourable institution CDC instructs to install grab bars with showers. This installation is only for the purpose of saving human injuries as well as lives. Most important of all, installation is not an easy process so a professional and trained person is required to do it otherwise dire consequences can take place. CDC reflects a huge number of old people faced injury due to lacking in the installation process. Here is video from youtube just go and watch it for physical understanding.


Important instructions during the moment of fall:

The following steps need to follow to prevent injury;

  • First of all, do not panic because the situation will be more critical. The only solution to tackle the situation is to remain to calm down in this regard.
  • If any injury comes out then the affected person should stand up on their knees with the help of bars and go towards self-help to prevent major wounds.
  • By doing all this, a person can bring himself into such a situation that he can feel comfortable.
  • Moreover, if a man still cannot manage to move then he must contact emergency help by dialling 911. But it is possible only if he has a cell phone nearby which is why during taking a shower phone holding instrument or device must be installed on the wall otherwise a major problem can take place. A first aid box should also be there, a proper medical alert or alarm will be helpful in such a situation.

Different types:

There is a variety of handles which are being used by people from sitting to standing positions. Quality must be ensured because a cheap thing will have some deficiencies whereas an expensive thing will bring out unlimited benefits. Nothing is more important than the blessing of life that is why there must be no compromise on the quality. However, some people can afford quality materials easily while some have o compromise due to a lack of resources. But availability must be ensured otherwise serious injury will surely take place.

Fixed rails:

Fix rails are the most efficient in this regard because it helps a lot to keep balance maintained especially for old people and pregnant women. But there is also a loophole because if you are going to use fixed rails then you cannot replace it with another one as well as you are not able to move it from one place to another place.

Removable rails:

Removable rails have also some advantages as well as disadvantages because a thin man will easily manage to stand firm by holding it due to his low weight but a bulky and fat man whose weight is far enough cannot easily manage to stand firm. That is why there are more chances of serious injury.

The most recommended size of it comes in a range from 9 to 42 inches. 24 long is the best size in this regard because a category of people of different heights falls into it and people’s balance will be stable. Similarly, no standard height is still available in the market. Nevertheless, from 33 to 36 inches in height was told to shape it. It also brought many problems during installation because everyone has not similar in height to each other.

Small people’s criteria are something else while larger people have different criteria. Before installation height of the family members should keep in mind and the manufacturer must be instructed in this regard. If you are able to afford it then two to three grab bars can also be used according to the family. This means to say if your family incorporates children, elders, women and older ones etc.

Grab Bar:

A grab bar must be installed in such a way that it can easily carry 250 pounds of weight. However, before choosing any type of grab bar so keep in mind whether it has ADA features or not because ADA compliance provides grab bars with a massive support of 500 pounds. This is a basic standard that everyone will get benefit from it whether he is younger or older even a small child as well.

shower standing handle

Here the most asked question is whether the shower standing handles should be placed horizontally or vertically.

As per SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD, grab bars must be present as possible. The handle grip should be in such a way that you can easily keep your balance by holding it at the bottom and your elbow position of the right hand must be slightly high as compared to your left hand. This is the best position to hold on and you will easily feel

comfortable and the chance of any major injuries will be minimize by doing so. Most important of all, this position must be use when you are going to take shower.

Important features you need to know before buying:

Following are the different features a person must know before buying a shower standard handle which is given as;

  • Weight & Capacity:

Before purchasing a gear bar, weight-bearing capacity is the main factor in this regard. Because it is more useful to buy such a handle which should be able to bear a maximum weight so a person can maintain balance and remain in a stable position without taking any worry.

  • Design material:

MOC is also a major element a person needs to know. For example, if a better material is not use in it then there are more chances of getting injure. However, an efficient material is not easily breakable and safe for people, especially old ones and children. Therefore, the most recommended material in this regard is stainless steel, plastic and vinyl etc. stainless still is more preferable as compared to the other ones because everyone will easily afford it. While if we use vinyl then the chances of incidents will be minimize due to its unlimited features and benefits.

  • Anti-microbial Coating:

People have brought many innovations with the passage of time. That is why an antimicrobial coating is using because by doing so the cleaning process will be easier as well as it helps handle to maintain its quality for a long period of time. In addition to these, a soft grip constructing material and gel padding can also be use because it will save your skin from some sort of damage.

  • Reasonable Prices:

If you go to the market and see a different variety of handles there then screw, suction cup and adhesive are the most efficient and recommended methods nowadays. The most important fact is that suction cups are advantageous in this regard due to their excellent features. the most important feature is that they are the cheapest in the markets right now and they are easily available. So, this is the best option for a temporary period of time.

Matchless advantages of Shower standing handles:

  • Enhance Comfort level:

It makes a man free because he is no longer dependent upon others. Moreover, a person does not need to take support from something else which can be harmful to him because a slippery surface can make you uncomfortable at any time and you can face injury and even accidents as well.

  • For Arthritis Patients:

It is also helpful for people with arthritis. If a person has such sort of woman or old man in his family then he will have to fulfil his requirement by installing such shower handles in his bathroom otherwise dire consequences he has to face in the form of injury, disability and even death if head hits the ground due to slipping and loss stability.

  • Avoid further Injury:

If you have already an injured person in your family then you desperately need to fulfil this condition otherwise another serious is waiting for you. Because by losing precautions you will have to take that person to the hospital and even in an emergency as well.

  • For Patients:

For people who are passing through a recovery process, it is highly useful for their facility in the bathroom. Especially for people who are recovering from surgery, it can bring major impacts on their surgery in case of any carelessness. Surgery is a critical process and a person who is facing needs to take special precautions to take himself away from any danger. Moreover, such handles are usually use in hospitals’ bathrooms where patients with the help of support walk around and feel comfortable. In short, if the hospital has not a such facility in its washrooms, then companions of patients should protest and make the hospital’s administration responsible for all this because such loopholes can create serious injury after any incident as well as the chances of death also exist.

  • Physical Support:

The most important factor in all, it provides physical support to people who desperately feel the need for it.

  • For Disable persons:

If a person is disable then it is useful for his safety in the washrooms. A disabled man or woman needs special care from the other person because they are not self-dependent that is why they have to depend on other people for their proper safety.  A string of dangers is always there for a disabled person which is why the installation of shower handles in the washroom is mandatory for safety purposes to prevent any dire injury.

  • For Old age persons:

People of old age are also dependent on others, especially in the washroom whether they are males or females. They cannot afford any compromise upon their safety otherwise disability factor can take place at any time in case of any carelessness.

shower standing handle

  • Reduce Risk factors:

Younger and older people are not only at risk. According to a report, almost 43,000 people injure due to this.  Neck and face injuries are also common there. After the installation of the shower handle, guidelines for children about how to use it are compulsory. Parents can play their best role in this regard because they can bring awareness of its unlimited benefits amongst children. In addition to these, parents can help their children in teaching regarding health and safety purposes in this regard.

Final Remarks:

The shower standing handles or grabs bar is very helpful for our domestic purposes. Different varieties are available in the market according to ascendency in features. It depends upon people which quality of the material they are going to choose. If you want to know more about such items that help with the home improvement then must visit 


Engr Hamza

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